How Long Should You Practice Guitar Each Day?
If you are a beginner (someone who is still learning chord shapes and strumming for the first time) then 30 – 40 minutes a day is ideal.
As a genuine beginner you’ll find that your rate of improvement is actually quite rapid at first. Almost day by day you’ll notice an improvement in your guitar playing.
The better you get on guitar the slower your rate of noticeable improvement becomes.
Is It Better To Practice Guitar Daily Or To Take One Day Off Each Week?
It’s best to practice guitar for 5 or 6 consecutive days a week then take 1 – 2 days off.
The days you take off are actually very important. This is where you allow your mind the space it needs to process everything you’ve been learning and practicing.
It’s a strange sensation but you’ll often find yourself able to play better when you return from a few days off despite the fact that you weren’t practicing during this time. It’s just that your mind has continued to work and sort through the material on a sub-conscious level.
How Long Does It Take To See Results From Guitar Practice?
This depends upon your current level on guitar. As stated already, your rate of improvement will tend to slow pro-rata to how good you become on the instrument.
As a general rule however you should be seeing some noticeable improvement on a weekly basis if you’re practicing correctly and being realistic about what you can expect yourself to achieve.
What If I Simply Can’t Make Progress No Matter How Much Practice I Do?
STOP and take stock. This is either because
1. You are practicing incorrectly.
2. You are being unrealistic and attempting to play things which you’re not yet technically ready for.
Please be fair with yourself when it comes to practice and don’t ask the impossible. You have to earn the right to play some songs or perform some techniques on guitar and this can only be done the old fashioned way through sustained and consistent practice over time.
Always try to build logical ladders to get to where you’d like your playing to be and design baby steps to make things easier to achieve.
Continue Reading > How To Construct A Practice Schedule
00. Introduction
01. Stage 1 Guitar Practice – Mental Programming
02. Stage 2 Guitar Practice – Metronome & Pressure Points
03. Practicing Chords And Strumming
04. How To Structure A Practice Session
05. Frequently Asked Questions About Practicing
- How Long Should You Practice Guitar Each Day?
- Is It Better To Practice Guitar Daily Or To Take One Day Off Each Week?
- How Long Does It Take To See Results From Guitar Practice?
- What If I Simply Can’t Make Progress No Matter How Much Practice I Do?
06. How To Construct A Practice Schedule – You Have To Be Realistic!
07. A Secret The Pro’s Would Rather You Didn’t Know – The Art Of “Mental Practice”
08. Why Learning Songs Is The WORST WAY TO PRACTICE GUITAR!
09. What To Do When You Get Bored Or Frustrated With Practicing