This video will clearly demonstrate how pro players strum and how it differs from what a beginner will do
The biggest difference between how professional players will strum and beginners is that pro players will create a clear distinction between the bass notes in chords and the actual chord.
This little trick instantly transforms strums into something which sounds much more musically refined and adds a ton of tight definition.
As Soon As You Learn The Basic Strums You MUST Push Forward Into This Idea Of Separating Bass Notes From Chords
The first step is to learn exactly where the bass note of every chord is located and there are also alternate bass notes which are important to understand as well.
From there you can begin to incorporate them into existing strum patterns you already know and lift them into a new level of refinement.
All this is covered in depth in the main course on this site.
Continue Reading > How To Play A Classic Country Strum
00. Introduction
01. The Most Important Strum You Can Know! – Universal Strum No.1
02. How To Play A Classic 50’s Style Strum
03. Why Your Strumming Sounds Horrible And How To Fix It
04. The Best Way To Practice Strumming On Guitar
05. How Professional Guitar Players Strum
06. How To Play A Classic Country Strum
07. What Kind Of Pick Is Best For Strumming Guitar?
08. What Are Some Good Guitar Strumming Songs?