This course on Spanish guitar lessons is outselling everything else I’ve done which is a huge surprise to me.
Sometimes there’s a big difference between what you think your customers want and what they actually want but I’m glad you guys are liking this one so much.
Part two is on the way, I’m about 50% of the way through in completing it as I write this!
I have a number of your courses and love them. But yes, I am particularly hooked on Spanish and Spanish and South American Rumba, and also música flamenca en la guitarra.
Can’t wait for your Spanish II course but of course I will wait. 🙂
Are you up for doing a future course on a bit of Bossa and Samba?
Thanks for your great courses!
Steven in Boston, MA (or Tucson, AZ or Natal, Brazil or Bogotá, Colombia. On my bucket list: go to Spain and Portugal)